I'm answering questions that he has come up with
1. Ants
2. snow fleas.
3. why not to feed the geese
4. what ant queens look like
5. how to build an ant habitat (admittedly hubby is helping with this one).
We are doing our night time reading. We don't have time in the morning to do our regular reading/circle time.
We've started doing "reading kingdom". This is a review that we are working on. Today we finished off his skills assessment and started on the keyboarding lessons. I hiope t
We've continued to talk about how we are going finish our first global art project. The lad is getting his thoughts better into his head about how to colour it and draw the lines darker. He's been too tired to actually work at it though, so thinking and talking is good.
He's also been experimenting with his toy flies. This morning he learned they can float on top of some ice without getting wet, but overtime they freeze into the ice a bit and they don't like that, not one bit.