Anyways, I won!
It was rather cool as I've often thought, can I afford these? They all come from Moore family films.
In this second episode of It is Your Life, we’ll take you to the beautiful mountains of North Carolina to visit the home of the Moody Family. You will be encouraged, challenged, and inspired as Trent and Angela transparently share the joys and challenges of raising a Christian family in an ungodly culture. |

- Why they educate their children at home
- Why Beverly stays home to care for the family
- How George leads his family in Bible reading and prayer
- Why they trust God for children after 6 c-sections
- How God brought their family through a time of trial
- How brothers and sisters can be best friends
Be encouraged and inspired as the Mosses work together, play together, and pray together. See for yourself how a Biblical vision of family life results in a strong family who loves each other and desires to glorify the Lord together. This is their life...

ABC Say It With Me – Bible Memory Verses teaches children of all ages (and adults too!) a memory verse for each letter of the alphabet. But that’s not all! Each letter also has a corresponding one to two minute vignette showing a visual depiction of the verse put into practice.
For example,
- In “B” a brother remembers to be kind by sharing with his little sister.
- In “D” children are encouraged to pick up their toys without complaining.
- In “H” children honor their parents through loving acts of thoughtfulness.
- In “T” a 13 year-old brother takes time to read the Bible to his younger siblings.
- In "Y" a young lady and her family are the "light of the world" to a harried restaurant waiter!
So go on, check out Moore Family Films.... they might have a DVD that you are interested in as well. :)
This post is part of the alphabet blogging series put on by Marcy over at Ben and ME. This week the letter is Q.