Oh....not a word that I am comfortable with.
Well okay, truth be told... it's not that I am uncomfortable with the WORD confront, I just tend to try to avoid confrontation.
Even though I'd rather avoid confrontation, there are times when I do allow some confrontation in my life.
I raise rabbits and sell them.
In this day and age where people are moving farther from the farm, farther from seeing animals as animals, there are those who prefer to use words to redefine what I do.
They will say that they wish to adopt an animal, or that no one sells a pet, or they will pay a rehoming fee.
I quietly correct them, letting them know I am SELLING them an animal. It's important to understand the difference and to help educate people. Words matter. The more that we allow our language usage to be redefined by the animal rights folk, the more danger there is in losing our right to raise and breed animals for others to use and enjoy.
So this quiet type of confrontation I deliberately engage in.
Because it's important.
Beyond the five.
Our sermon Sunday morning (at a different church) brought this need to confront into the spiritual realm. Pastor spoke about how God LONGS to be with his people and he reaches out to us in so many different ways that no one can truly say they haven't heard God's voice. So when people say "God ain't never done anything for me" that we should treat that as the blasphemy it is. Sometimes folks need to know exactly what they are doing, and that by doing so, we might help them be aware of what they are doing and THAT is work for the kingdom.