Lately I have been reading a book with my lad "The Cat of Bubastes" where the high priest comes to realize that all the Egyptians are worshipping with their many gods, are various attributes of the One God.
Also, as my son and I read through various history books, we see all the different ways that people worship "god" and some of those ways, in our eyes, are pretty horrific, but if you search out why they do it, you can see within those worship practices, a desire to truly know the One True God.
Since people are so steeped in sin, it so easy for us to only see part of God, and for those who don't have the scriptures readily at hand, to twist what we see of God in the world around us, into something it is not meant to be.
Ergo human sacrifice, gods of death, gods of the thumb, and so forth will spring into being... and it all points to this one thing.
WE ALL have an innate desire to know God. To know the one that created us.
To see, what for us in our sin is, the Unknown God.
Oh that we who know him would help people see who this God truly is. Oh, that we could meet there where they are and point them to the knowledge that they really are seeking. Let us show people who the true KNOWN God is eh?
A good thing no?