He likes our food he does. (assuming male, could be female).
SEE!!!!!!!!!!!! He climbs the feeder posts!!!!
How do you outsmart the squirrels in your life????
On one hand I put out nuts on the window ledge to attract the squirrels to the house and amuse the cats, and on the other hand I fight to keep them off my feeders.
It's a funny world eh?
All those inconsistencies.
I reread my post and I see myself defending my actions say I MUST PROTECT what is in MINE!!!!!
As if my stuff is so blooming important.
My stuff ISN'T important.
It's just stuff. And it's something I've taught my son... it's just stuff. If he breaks something accidentally I might sound upset at first but in the end it's just stuff so it's no real biggie. It's just a learning experience to be more careful. So it surprises me that I'm so irritated with the squirrels for wrecking the bird feeders.
But part of it is.. I don't hate squirrels. They are funny critters with a hint of nastiness in them. And they aren't out to get me.. they are out for FREE FOOD. They aren't being malicious...just smart and greedy....
So I suppose in some ways I'm like the squirrels you know. I want my stuff. I don't want to have to replace it and spend my hard earned money to do so. I don't want to have to work hard to replace things I want it FREE.
Ah Father God... forgive that selfishness in me. Help me always to see the bigger picture. This is your world and all YOUR stuff, not mine. Let me be mindful of it, but not grasping and greedy. Let me not truly be a squirrel! :)
Let's not be squirrels this day eh?