5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
I have added that on each page we are now adding images to help us remember what the verses are in order to help us remember them. The lad asked me to write this verse out as his handwriting was too big to fit it onto one page.
But then he asked an insightful question. "Mom, do you think God would have broken families up?" "What would the children do then?"
So we talked about that for a moment. Considering the nature of God. Would God want little children to suffer - especially if what his goal was here? God's goal was to stop the people from thinking they were too important. The confusion of language was ultimately to break the people up.
Granted, we can't know for sure so we can't put that into the story, but it is good to consider the very nature of God.
We completed the Sunday school lesson by answering these questions.
1. Is this story real? Did Babel really exist?
To that end we found this article from Creation Concepts. The ruins have been found .
We learned that archaeologists are examining those ruin s.
2. Can we see a video about it mom?
I said sure so we watched a video on YouTube about it. You may wish to turn the volume off.
We hope in the spring to see if we can make some bricks using mud and straw. We have a hard time imagining how something made of mud and bricks cold be strong enough for people to walk on as they built this tower.
4. I asked my son... What do you think it means that God said "Let US go down"?
He written his forehead and said "I kinda know but I don't know how to say it". So we talked about how God is three persons in one and how it's hard thing to really understand. But that this points to how God the Father, God the Spirit and God as Christ are one unit as this talks about God being an "us".
Anyways, that was our lesson for this past Friday that we'll be ruminating on over the course of this week.