I do suppose though, that one can always find something to talk about though. Like some of the really interesting posts some folks are writing.
I read a couple of different posts about how people school for six weeks and off for one, or they work for four weeks and take one off. The week off gives mom teacher a chance to make a schedule that is shorter in duration, and reflects one's ability to make changes. I have to admit, that REALLY resonated with me. I hope to do something similar. Giving myself a chance to do some scheduling of work (as I can usually get something to work for a month and then it fizzles) and can therefore (I hope to be very adaptive). :)
I appreciated this post on what if you can't afford to homeschool? It all costs money right? Some good tips were given on what to do to make homeschooling more affordable, or rather, how to work within your budget.
I've read posts on colour coding your school supplies, organizing your homeschool, planning your curriculum, how to FIND curriculum and so much more. It's been fascinating and I hope you've enjoyed the ride. Tomorrow is another day as well... I hope you enjoy the reads that people will come up with.
Such a talented group of people, you are bound to find something that will be of use to you. :) If you do, can you tell me what you found and why it was interesting to you? I'd really appreciate it, maybe you'll find something that I missed in the busyness. :) Cheers!
Cristi @ Through the Calm and Through the Storm
Meg @ Adventures with Jude
Dawn @ Double O Farms
DaLynn @ For the Display of His Splendor
Monique @ Mountain of Grace Homeschooling
Steph @ Indy Homeschool
Kym @ Homeschool Coffee Break
Tawnee @ Adventures in homeschooling
Lisa @ Tales of a Homeschool Family
Jennifer @ Organized Home Organized School
Callie @ Mama's Coffee Shop