The lad... can do math in his head quite handily.
Ask him to do it on paper and he struggles.
I don't know why.
Lately we are using Xtramath to help him nail down some of those math facts.
He's getting better at reading.
Every night he helps me read. I'm fairly deliberate about choosing books that are somewhat repetitive.
Right now we are using a bible story book geared for 5 year olds but it's written for a parent to read it, and tonight he read a couple of lines completely independently. It was like WOOT WOOT!
The first thing out of his mouth when I congratulated him was ... can I get that bad kitty book yet mom? i Said soon buddy, soon that book will be all yours. :)
Sight words in context
BUT on some site, I think it was through pinterest but it could have been a link through another site which sends me freebies I found some sight words that are in sentences. The sentences are simple like "my dog is funny". He knows my dog is...but doesn't know Funny, so this way I can just say.. you know these three words buddy... now let me teach you this one. NOW.. see how it looks, listen to how it sounds and then I make a point of letting him read it somewhere else. These words tend to be fairly common so it's really not hard to find them. Gives him that confidence boost that he needs. ah just looked it up, comes from the moffat girls.