My son was ABSOLUTELY delighted!
"Mom.. you mean I can help you and look for bugs too?"
Sure can lad. :)
"YEAH!!! This will be the best day ever!"
Our goal is to move the veggies gardens over. We have clay and digging in clay is NOT my idea of fun so when I moved in (after we got married) I set up raised beds to do my gardening. It was otherwise much to hard to work with. I have to say.. between the dirt I originally brought in and the rabbit waste.. I have the best soil around for miles. :) I actually have people come and buy it off me in the spring. :) But I digress.
We are moving the gardens in order to resituate our rabbitry a bit. I'm allowed 20 rabbits in town and was housing them 10 x 20 portable garages but someone complained and now I need to put them in to 10 x 10 shelters... seems silly but hey, it means we can resituate and make it work better in the long run.
But we saw some really neat bugs... an iridescent blue one, some tiny springtails, baby centipedes, millipedes, NO snail eggs! WOOT WOOT, some small VERY FAST black bugs, different coloured worms, a flat brown bug that the lad said "he's ugly mom, I'm not keeping him. I'm sure the toads won't like him either". A colony of small brown/yellow ants that we didn't expect to find as there was no outward sign of them. "Watch them mom, they are scared you wrecked their home". Oh, and the lad had the extreme joy of finding his first wolf spider of the season. He just LOVES spiders (whereas I think of them as he thinks of outdoor centipedes).

On Good Friday my lad had the joy of showing his beloved gramma all the bugs that he caught, and she was duelly impressed. :) I so much appreciate my husband's mom and how interested she is in everything about her grandson. Even if she doesn't like 'em, she still takes an avid interest in everything that he is interested in. :) So nice to watch their interaction...I never thought that would bring me so much joy as a mom. :)
Anyways, do come on over and visit us. We, of the TOS Crew, would be delighted to have you learn how we do spring studies in our homeschooling adventures. :)