BUT I've been dealing with health issues for the past while and have found that I am often tired and out of sorts. This does not work well when trying to get things accomplished.
Over time I was starting to feel fairly much like a struggling homeschooling failure so I thought I'd switch things up a bit.
To that end I decided to make daily folders. The goal is to finish them daily, but to not stress about it if we didn't. Not like we can't carry things forward. I have a different colour for each day.
It's working well.
I do feel guilty because I'm ripping pages out of books which means I can't sell them and recoup some dollars after we're through with them, but bottom line is what overall is most important? My sanity or dollars?
On a positive note the lad seems to like it. :) He likes knowing that he's made it through his work sheets. He likes to be able to talk and play and do more science experiments and just have things more set.
I do need to reorganize our school room (yet again) to make it more functional long term for us, but for now this switch is helping. The lad is learning and life is good.
My son's one complaint is that one of the folders is light green and he would really rather it be black.