1. Go to Lisa-jo Baker and learn what the day's word is. Today it is Friend.
2. Write your post in FIVE MINUTES. That's the rule. No editing or looking back, just five minutes of pure writing.
3. Link up.
4. Encourage the person who linked up before you. I tend to do two as link-ups sometimes mess up the order. BUT encourage those who have gone on before.
5. If you wish be kind, add the logo at the bottom of this post. :)
Hmm.. that's a word that makes me ponder.
I've never ever had lots of friends. Lots of acquaintances, and stop on the street and talk to you people, and let's share a coffee sporadically people, but friends.. not many. And those I've had I treasure dearly.
See the mug there? It's from a friend. A real-honest-to-goodness friend, who goes away, who never buys stuff while she's away. Goes to a place for a meal, sees tons os chickens everywhere and what does she do? She buys me a chicken mug.
She makes me heart smile.
Do you know how lovely it is to have your heart smile?
It's a lovely thing indeed. :)
Pause for child break, sorry but sometimes children need you at inconvenient moments.
Anyways, where was I?
A friend who makes your heart smile.
Jesus is a friend too you know. He's a friend who sticks closer than any other. He's right there ALL THE TIME.
I have to admit, I've been lonely here ... feeling bereft without a friend wondering at times if I would always feel lonely in my heart.
I've had people that I can talk with, learn from, do things with, share pieces of my life with, God has opened doors for me. It's a good thing that.
It's been hard at times for sure, but in the midst of it all, it's been good too.
But I have friend who makes me heart smile with a silly (but oh so great) chicken mug.
Tis a good thing that! :)
So come on over, join us! A promise you... tis a good thing indeed! :)