"So send I you."
"Who will Go?"
"Are you not sent to the lost, the lonely, the hurt and the poor?"
What do think of when you hear the word send?
I think of the word send and I think of my dad and how soon enough we'll be sending him on to Glory. I think of how he sent me along the way when I spent the summer in Haiti doing a summer mission project. Must have been hard for my folks to let me go away for a while... but sent me along none the less.
Sending implies a going. It's a traveling to another place. It's arriving and doing what you were sent to do. Some people are sent places, some folks are sent to a people, others are sent to get them out of a bad situation. But to be sent means one must GO. You can't have one without the other. To be sent you must be willing to go.
You being sent anywhere?
Are you willing to GO?