So here we go.
First up.. Ann Voskamp with this post on happy parents.
Whenever laughter broke through, it reminded me that God was with us.
Jesus tells us that our faith ought to resemble that of little children. I wonder if our laughter ought to resemble theirs too. And I wonder if laughter—holy laughter, laughter that brings us together and emerges out of love—is the soil for faith.
The next post is NOT an easy post. My niece Ange comes from some hard places in life and she writes an all too real blog. NOTE: this blog is NOT FOR CHILDREN! This post made me just want to give her a hug and hold her close and tell her it will come around right in the end. To be reminded of patience is a good thing no?
I guess what I’m saying is, give yourself, and the people you love, the freedom to be in pain, let them hurt. Give yourself, and others the time they need, to process. Of course it’s important to edify, to speak life and to support someone. But, there’s something to be said, about patient silence. Just sitting with someone.
This post..from Lextin Academy. oh.. it made me shake my head in relief. :) There are times that schooling my boy drives me insane, but I only have one lad so it mostly works just fine for us, but there are always "those days" don't you know? :)
When I walked downstairs to begin lunch I saw that it had been snowing in the kitchen.
Last Friday's Five minute prompt on Leave brought me to this blog with a quickly worded post that was well done. leave me alone.
I’m not saying that these are bad things, but they can definitely be used as an excuse to just be selfish – to look out for number one rather than for the important people God has placed in my care.
I was looking for the post I commented on about things to do for your pastor and his family and I couldn't find it. Argh! BUT I did find this post which gives some ideas and it's good to think on these things.
October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Make some plans as a family to serve your pastor in the next few weeks. It will not only bless your pastor, but will be a great bonding and learning experience for your kids any month of the year!