Anyways, while we were there we met this delightful lady who kept coming over and helping our lad better understand what he was seeing. She was one of the tour guides but was off-duty as they generally don't do tours unless they are booked. You could tell she loved her work and enjoyed helping children learn history. She kept challenging the lad to think it through, why might there be different things that children would have to deal with in the past.
One of the things we learned was the children could be sentenced to jail for four days for using bad language. That was surprising to all of us. Anyways, pictures are always worth a 1000 words... so allow me to be wordy. :)
What would a picture to a jail be without a vision of someone behind bars?
One child was sent to gaol for using bad language and was sentenced to four days of hard labour. He would have to clean the toilets, carry water, move coal and more. The work was hard.