Title: The Ruby Ring: Tyndale's Battle for an English Bible
Type: Soft cover
Author: Karen Rees
Publisher: Crosslink Publishing
Type: Historical Fiction
Length: 423 pages
I read this book, on behalf of Bookcrash.com, over a period of four days, each night staying up later to read it until finally last night I just HAD to finish it and so I stayed up quite late in order to do so. Karen Rees did a good job writing this book. Lots of historical detail a compelling story is told. I was impressed with how well the author brought to life the struggles that Tyndale had in bringing the English bible, and how divisive the whole process was.
The main character is Jane Horne and the relationships she had with various people, William Tyndale is a secondary character but we hear much of his struggles. Various events happen in Jane's life that further the story of getting Tyndale's English bible printed and available for the people.
One aspect I missed in this book that I've read in other historical fiction is what the true facts of the book are and where fiction took over. I always appreciate that in other historical fiction and had looked forward to that section but was disappointed that it wasn't there. It would be lovely if such a section where present in future books that Karen Rees might write.
Well-written, historically detailed, excellent read.
Would I recommend reading it?
Definitely. :)
It was a good read. Provides good information that makes this part of history come to life. A nice way to learn this part of our past.