My sister and bro-in-law are up from out west so we went to visit them as well as spend some time with my Dad to see how he is progressing after spending some time in hospital. He's able to walk a bit better again. Was quite tired though but yesterday he had a busy day looking at the fall colours.
Today I had bible study. This leaves dad in charge of homeschooling.
I decided to give the lad a trial on DreamBox learning. This site is strictly for math, and just helps to give some confidence.
While I was gone the lad did his geometry work and worked on his sight word of the day (from). We'll do some other stuff after lunch but I don't quite know what at this point, most likely do another layer of paper mache on our earth/moon/helmet project and then once that's all dry we'll be able to paint them next week.
Over lunch we read the paper, which lead us into a discussion on public transit. This led to learning the words: walk, bike, bus, taxi, horse and public transit. We considered what are the best ways to get around town and what you need in order to get from point a to point b. Sounding out words I think is working, though I'm not sure how much is sounding out and how much is memorization as my boy has a VERY good memory.... Time will tell.