I find that the more power I give him over his schooling, the better he does at simply working through it and it goes MUCH quicker. :)
We are going in a new direction for Math. Going to do Teaching Textbooks. Why? Because it's on the computer. Has a book. They do the teaching AND if he has questions he simply needs to call them up and ask away! :) So it gives him independence, a simple workbook that is done in a systematic way. From what I understand he can do the lessons one after the other OR he can skip around a bit. However he works it will be fine with me. :)
As people of faith, one of our goals is to raise a child who loves the Lord, but not only loves the Lord but has the where withal to defend that a choice, stand for the truthh and the boldness to live it out. I firmly believe that he will NEED to be able to do as a man in the future.
So I'm considering having the lad do some actual memory work. Memorizing poems, and scripture. Memorizing doctrines and key truths. Not sure what i will do or use or create from him in this regard.
We'll continue to go through our books of Christian Heroes (I picked up three trailblazer books from the conference tables). We'll use hymns and missionary stories etc that I'll research and we'll talk about.
I picked up a book called "comforting hearts, teaching minds" by Starr Meade.
I picked up a history of Canada that I really not sure how I will fit in (probably be our Friday study) called From Sea to Sea.. written by Susanna Homan. It's geared to grades 5-6 so it'll be a good fit I think, and it's Canadian so WOOT WOOT. :)
We'll continue reading a copious amount of books... history, geography, science, poetry, readers and what not. It's great to read together. it's WONDERFUL to learn together.
Grade Six will be interesting, that I know for sure. :)
Oh I should mention, we will be taking breaks from things to do items for the review crew. Life will, I am very sure, interfere at times.
Have you made any decisions on what YOU will be teaching next year? Do the homeschool conferences get your mind and blood moving with thoughts of next year? Let me know eh? :)