He worked hard to establish a hospital for men while he was there. He was not afraid of hard work or of learning new ways to do things. At one point, he saw a friend crocheting, and said "how do you do that stitch, it might be handy to sewing up a wound". In his final year at John Hopkins as he was deciding where he would practice, Dr. Zwemer who was a medical missionary to Arabia came to talk to the students and he told them how working in Arabia is tough.. due the language, the climate and the people.
This proved to be the challenge that Dr. Harrison needed, and so he presented himself a doctor ready to serve in Arabia. Despite the hardships (two years to learn basic Arabic) he manged to start a hospital.
He worked all over Arabia, traveling by donkey, camel, plane or automobile. He would treat people under date trees, or lying on a mat in his hospital. He worked hard and served well.
Book Missionary Heroes.
HOPE college
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