Let me run through our day today to give you a bit of an idea.
730 I'm up sitting at my computer wrote blog post for the homeschooling essentials.
815 the lad is up Lad: "mom, have you done the bunnies?" Me: "No" Lad "good I don't want to go out yet".
900 me: "Lad I'm doing the bunny water now". Lad: Okay, I'm coming mom!" First I get the computer ready so the lad can doing reading kingdom and science4Us as he'll be done before I am. Boy oh boy is it cold out there.
930 in from chores, wait for the lad to be done his science. talk about breakfast, get distracted by the stuff dad's laughing on facebook. have a chuckle together.
1000 breakfast - we read from the Warriors Series by Erin Hunter during breakfast, talk about the news abit.
1030 upstairs to do some work. Today we worked on Names of Christ (this will take us about 40 days to do if we do it daily). We started off our time working on the Illuminations pages. I worked hard to get through mine quickly so I could do some reading while the lad worked.
Hubby has a meeting tonight so I'll be on my own for a bit.. woot woot quiet house!
I'll most likely do up my blog post for tomorrow, have a time for my devotions, and then just chill (oh after the dishes get done that is!). :) Bed will be probably.. 1130 ish as spending time with hubby sans the lad is a good thing to do as well. :)