DO NOTE: this is not a negative on my mom. I love her dearly... the feeling is mutual. I just wonder about easing the heart of someone I care for deeply.
I know that my mom worries that my son won't be prepared for life due to how I homeschool. I"m not organized, I'm fairly eclectic and I just do things differently. It's a manner that suits my particular style of living.
This came up yesterday in a conversation about how the lad was learning about China as that's part of learning about Canada's history, as I wanted to share how it thought it interesting that the lad likes Egg Drop Soup. Somehow from there we got into "taking the summer" off and how I don't really do that as I see learning as part of lifelong living and it's just a matter of fitting the learning into life and so forth.... and then the question of "but how is he going to be prepared for highschool and college?" He has to KNOW things you know.
I attempted to reassure her that even though I school differently, it doesn't mean that the lad isn't learning what he needs to learn...but the skepticism and concern is still there.
So then it makes me wonder..... am I doing something wrong?
Should I force myself to do things differently?
Should I need to buy a curriculum and follow it by the book (though I have to admit to shuddering at the thought).
Are there things I can do to ease the heart of my mother? I suppose that's the crux of it. How can I as a Christian homeschool parent ease the heart of my mother? She supports homeschooling, she just is concerned (without being negative to who I am) about the future needs of my lad.
At this point in time I don't know.
I just wonder what I can do to help her heart not fret.