Product Information
Vendor: Ed Douglas Publications
Age Range: grades 6-12
Price: $12.50
Length and Style of book. 150 pages. 26 chapters about 3-5 pages long each. Each chapter is followed by discussion questions.
Used by in this review: one adult female and one almost 8 year old boy. One adult male occasionally listened in.
About the Author and about the book
The book is "a motivational and inspirational guide built around Christian principles about living life to its fullest potential. The book is about what is important in life."
My thoughts
I would read parts of the book with him, but mostly I used my reading as a springboard for discussion with him, and I would paraphrase or shorten sections of each chapter.
I remember when we talked about the chapter "be slow to judge". We ended up having quite the discussion about it. I was able to share with him some examples from my life about how judging others too quickly can be hurtful for you and for the person involved. We really had an excellent discussion about how you do need to be ever so careful about what you say about other folks, and how you think about them. It was interesting to watch him as he figured it out with his logic why that was true. "You don't want to hurt someone mom".
This book is a very easy read, with real life examples, scriptural references, good discussion questions and I could easily see myself using this with a group of highschool/early college students. I can imagine the interesting discussions that could be the result of going through this book with them.
I do have to admit that I did struggle with the book. So often the truths addressed seemed so ... self-serving or perhaps.. worldly minded would be a better term. For instance you make goals so that you can make the most money, or you treat others nicely because if you don't, it will turn around and bite you, or you tell the truth because if you don't you be caught and being caught means you aren't trustworthy and in a job/in the business world you need to be trustworthy. I found myself so often needing to reinforce that you act in a certain way because that's what GOD wants you to do, not because you get something out of it because often times you won't get something out of it, or if you do, it won't necessarily be what you intended.
That aside though I very much appreciated the fact that he placed a high importance on loving God and considers that "belief in God is the most important decision in a person's life". He also puts a strong emphasis on loving your spouse and staying involved with your family. He emphasized the importance of love in the lives of his listeners.
He closes the book with this statement "practice the other 25 truths with love or they won't work". At the end of the book the prayer of salvation is included.