To my surprise, I didn't run into this at all with the 19 lessons he took in Elementary Geometry. I even received comments of "Mom, this is easy", "Mom, is it time to do my math yet?" Or "Mom, all I have left to do is math right?".
You have to understand something.. math is NOT high on my son's list of priorities AT ALL, so to have positive comments from him or even eagerness to finish his math lessons is simply a delight.
After inputting your students password they are greeted with this page. It took my boy only two reminders to use the Launch button. This would open the mini course in a new window.
When a lesson is completed this page will be shown, giving the results of the quiz. If you want to you can print off a certificate. My son never chose this option saying "Mom, it's wasting paper, I know I did it". Isn't it nice though to have that option?
We are considering adding these mini courses as he finishes these two.
- Advanced Geometry (4th-7th) - 35 lessons
- Advanced Fractions (4th-8th) - 26 lessons
- Decimal Numbers (3rd-7th) - 20 lessons
- Percentages (5th-8th) - 13 lessons
It certainly worked well with my math-unfriendly lad and i couldn't be more pleased.
Vendor: A+ Interactive Math.
Received: Math MIni-Courses in Elementary Geometry and Elementary/Middle School Division.
Length: Access for one year.
Price: $9.99-$19.99
Grades: 1st-8th
Type: Digital Product
Twitter: @aplustutorsoft