Biff and Becka's Stupendous Vacation (I had the ebook version)
By Elaine Beachy
Published by WestBow Press
Story synopsis: Biff and Becca are brother and sister rabbits who have planned to go on a vacation, but plans get waylaid and their summer vacation proceeds in an unexpected way. The children learn important truths in life along the way.
My son's reaction: He LOVED this book. He asked every night if we could read just one more chapter. But mom, was the frequent cry, I have to know what happened!
My reaction: This is a good children's story. Has a strong Christian slant which I appreciate. It has a good story line that is quite believable and is suitable for oh.. 5-9 year olds? I struggled with the overly descriptive phrases, I ran into them too often. I love good description.. don't get me wrong, but describing things just because you can, that doesn't advance the story... That gets annoying after a while and it happened frequently enough that it bugged me.
I also found it annoying that before every chapter was the warning "thanks for reviewing and not copying". I much prefer to have my copy given to me in the same manner that ANYONE would get it. If every copy has that warning "to not copy" it would turn buyers off.
Overall, good book, would suit the target audience quite nicely. Chapters are short and easily read as a bedtime story. Good cliffhangers in it too.. just draws a child in. :)