The thing that I don't like.... when he tells me something works and I don't have my camera on hand to prove it to you all! :) I know... I know...I'm being silly there. :)
Here is a list of the videos available. The ones in bold are the Go Science DVD's that we watched.
Volume 1: Sound, Gravity, Space
Volume 2: Life Science, Weather
Volume 3: Air
Volume 4: Motion, Friction, Electricity, Light
Volume 5: States of Matter, Water
Volume 6: Chemistry
Volume 7: Engineering, Design, Flight
Ben Roy has a table or experiment set up. He calls up three children up out of the audience, sometimes this is at a studio type set up and other times at a Vacation Bible School type set up. He explains a bit about what they are going to do and has the children do as much of the experiment as is safe for them to do. He has a helper for the more difficult experiments (such as one where they needed to lift heavy weights to set up a pendulum). He has an emphasis on being safe (safety glasses, be aware and careful about what you are doing etc). The children do the experiment and then he explains why it works. He then finds a way to connect that experiment with the word of God. Each lesson ends with the statement "when we learn more about science, we learn about our creator,... God".
Life Science:
- Flashlight-Animal Eyes
- Animal Skulls
- Bobby Pins
- What Are You Looking At?
- How Much Do Your Lungs Hold?
- Eating Nails for Breakfast
- Naked Eggs
- Fire Tornado
- Ping Pong Cannon
- Liquid Nitrogen Cloud
- Cloud in a Bottle .
- Garbage Can Vortex
- tablecloth trick
- high-bounce balls
- marble gravitron
- yo-yo-big spool
- bowling ball
- Friction
- Floating Rice
- Simple motor
- nail magnet
- jumping rings
- Food coloring and bubbles
- How much will it hold?
- Leaning tower of lyra
- Nail balance
- Trebuchet
- Centrifuge
- Walking on eggs
- Bed of nails-small
- Rocket balloons
- Vinegar rocket
- Toilet paper on paint roller
- Film canister rocket
We would sit down and watch it as a family.. 3-5 episodes at a time. Any that my lad was intrigued over we'd watch again so he could set it in his mind for later thinking and experimenting with.
One DVD he took with him to gramma's house on a rainy afternoon and they watched the whole thing. That one he was unwilling to share with me as that was "for gramma's and she wants to see it again mom".
"OH?" was my response?
"Yes, she wants to do it with me sometime". I have orders to get magnets!
So I do have to admit, I have not seen Volume 4 myself. That's gramma's DVD and that's just the way it is. :) Gramma told me that she thoroughly enjoyed watching them with my son, "Good lessons. Teaches the children. Shows more of God. Good that. And the lad likes them, that's a good thing".
Library and Educational Services, provided me with some Go Science DVD's to watch for free and then to review. You can them on facebook. The videos are geared for ages 4-12 (as per the videos).
They retail for $14.95, but is available on their site for $8.97. The full set of 7 DVDs retails for $99.70, but is available through the Library and Educational Services site for $59.82. Good deal eh? We've enjoyed them so much I may be getting the rest of the series down the road.
Would I recommend them? For sure I would. My eight year old enjoyed them. He had fun recreating the ones that he could, and using his imagination to expand upon them.
Vendor: Library and Educational Services
Product: NEW (Series 2) Go Science DVDs.
Received: Volumes 2, 4 and 7.
Age Range: Per DVD, age 4-12.
Price: On their website: $8.97 each or $59.82 for the series.