I was sent this book in order to review it. I enjoyed reading this book, it was a good read, about the decisions that a pastor's wife made both good and bad and how God worked through them.
I found in intriguing to read about how people in a different church address their pastors and their wives...the behind the scenes stuff I found more interesting than the rest of the book.
Don't misunderstand me... I enjoyed the book, but I found it quite predictable. I knew what was going to happen before it did. But the Sister this, and Sister that, and just how the church operated, I found that to be of more interest and raised more questions in my mind than the actual story did. Perhaps that's because I'm a pastor's wife myself. :)
If you are looking for a good read, this book will provide it. It does an excellent job of showing how pastor's wives are also real people, and how we struggle with issues just like everyone else, just like our families do. The honesty in living and how it is portrayed in this book make it worth reading.
The theology contained within I could not find fault with. God does love and care for his people and promises to walk them through what needs walking through.
I do suggest that if you can the option of reading this book, that you take yourself up on it. :)