It is packed full of ideas to encourage parents to look to the heart when raising their children, not just to actions.
There are 50 chapters with titles such as "Look for heart moments", "transfer responsibility for change to the child', "use correction to challenge the heart", "how to pray for your kids", "firmness doesn't require harshness" and so forth.
The book begins with this thought "You're holding a book of ideas. As parents, we need all the ideas we can find. Each child is unique, and the same tools don't work with every one. ... The suggestions in this book will help you be a better parent.'
I have to admit to some skepticism when I first asked to review this book. I had read a number of positive reviews about it, but some parenting books well.. let's just say that in the long run I wouldn't recommend them. This book is designed to help parents examine what they are doing, and then look to the heart of the child, not just to their actions. For THAT reason I recommend this book. Our goal as parents is to raise children up who think about what they are doing, and who want to follow, who want to please, the Lord God himself.
This book just helps you think about how to do that with your child.
So as you parent keep some principles in mind.
1. Pray. This is where you begin.
2. Build upon a biblical foundation. The bible really is the authority.
3. Think long term. Daily interactions are part of something bigger.
4. Remember what truly is most important. So try to be strategic as you parent.
5. Watch for variations on a theme. We are raising children to be fit for life.
6. Focus on the heart.
When you read this book, remember that it is an aid, it's not infalliable, but it will help you think things through a bit as you parent. I know it gave me an "ah ha" moment, and I'm guessing it will do the same for you. :)