Today we did a variety of things in school.
We played a math fractions game. This necessitated us going over what fractions are, and then the goal was to take fractions and make them one. Once the lad figured it out he was a winner. :)
He did a page in our Saxon math book.
We parsed in our reading around the various activities that we did. We learned about the Canada Goose and the Common Snapping Turtle. We read a story called Rikki-tikki-tavi which made the boy laugh and listen closely. We learned about the samurai and a story about the moon in the marsh.
He worked on measuring. It was rather cool.. I had found a bug measuring sheet through Print-palooza so it was a good fit for the lad. Gave us a chance to talk about the imperial and metric measuring systems, and today we did things "the American way". :)
Then we learned four new words: Frog, dog, Bird, and fish. He practiced spelling them and filling in the blanks and then putting them into sentences (without seeing the word to copy it).
Our last job of the day was to pull tomatoes out of the garden (giving us a chance to talk about how plants turn into compost which helps other plants to grow, and such like).
Nature Walk
It's inspired me to at least three times a week to start doing nature walks with the lad.
Today we headed out to Morrison Dam. We didn't take a long walk, but we did take along our nature walk materials. A pencil, eraser, sketch pad and "take it home" bag.
Today we took home a bunch of fall leaves, and we each drew a picture. Mine was of some Canada Geese standing on a log, the lad's was of a leaf. He had wanted to do the geese, but regardless of where he stood or sat he couldn't get a good look at them through the reeds. Rather than getting all vexed he hit upon the notion of drawing one of the leaves. I was fair impressed as he tried hard to capture some of the details of the leaf. :)
Anyways, we had a lovely walk. Hubby fished while we walked and talked. At supper I did my normal.. so what was good about today lad? and he thought for a while and then said "our nature walk". :) Makes me smile. :)