Kate's Five Minute Friday linky is supposed to only take five minutes to write, but I may cheat a little or write super dooper fast.. we'll see how it goes eh?
You have to make decisions in your homeschooling journey, just like you have to in the rest of your life.
Decisions to
1. What method of education will be your primary type - books, hands on, montessori, charlotte mason, eclectic, textbooks, living books etc.
2. What your end goal is: university, college, people of faith,
3. What materials or lack thereof you will use - unschooler? Books? Computer based?
4. What your budget will be? Focused on free? Frugal? Sky's the limit?
5. Will you join a co-op?
6. What curricula will you use? Everything laid out? Make your own? Combination?
7. What planner will you use to keep sane or will you just fore-go this?
Having to DECIDE will surround your life.
People will challenge your decisions.
You'll see what others are doing and question them yourself.
It's part of the lifestyle.. and don't kid yourself, homeschooling does become part of your lifestyle and that's okay.
You need to realize that if you are making decisions for the good of your family as a whole, it will all work out in the end. Because in the end of it all.. your children have decisions THEY need to make as well.. it's not all on you. You do the best you can, leave the rest to God and to the ability of your children to make decisions.
Now DECIDE will you be okay with whatever decisions you make?
Okay.. honesty here.. I went one minute over!!!!! Not too bad was it? :)
The Importance of Family.
Working and the Homeschool Life.
Tips: Knowing when to take a break.
Tips: Handling Curve Balls
You can click the image to the left to read what other crew members have to say, or you can start by following the links below:
Michele @ Family, Faith and Fridays
Missica @ Through the Open Window
Monique @ Mountain of Grace Homeschooling
Rebekah @ There Will Be A $5 Charge For Whining
Renita @ Krazy Kuehner Days
Sarah @ Renaissance Mama
Sasha @ Such a Time as This
Tawnee @ Adventures in Homeschooling
Tiffany @ The Crafty Home
Tina @ Desperate Homeschoolers
Get the word. Write for Five Minutes. Link up. MOST IMPORTANT: encourage others in the linky. This is real important and the heart of our community. :)