Today's word is heal. Note: I suffered a burn on holidays so will be including pictures of that. :)
This summer my family and I went camping.
We went up to Grundy Lake Provincial Park and we had a lot of fun.
We fished, kayaked, attended programs and made meals, some of which were bread based.
I hadn't made sun-bread before and thought it would be fun to try.
The first time I did it... It worked!!! No mishaps, just lovely bread for us to try.
I'm thinking that my initial success made me somewhat less than cautious.
I ended up with a rather bad burn with this second loaf because I wasn't careful about what I was doing.
It is still healing and it's been more than a month since it happened.
You know what... healing takes time.
When it happened it was sore and difficult to work with physically but I was also mentally beating myself up because my injury didn't only affect me, it also affected my family.
It took time for me to get past that, I actually had a BAD day while camping, feeling horrid and sore and sad...and my fellows were kind and patient with me.
As I think about this word heal that memory comes back to me and helps me to realize and important fact. God is kind and patient with us you know. We have a major wound, called SIN in our lives. And God patiently and kindly heals our wound. He occasionally will give us a whack and tell us to move forward, but generally speaking he just helps us along our journey to healing. It's not a would that will heal quickly, like I imagine my burn will be fully healed in another month. In fact, our wound of sin won't be completely fully healed until we reach heaven (or Christ returns).
But we had an advocate on our side (Jesus) if we call ourselves God's children. We have a kind and patient God on our side who continually calls us to perfection. AND we have the Holy Spirit residing within, easing the pain, peeling away the scabs of our injury, helping us to heal and be what we are supposed to be.
Good is not?