Do you have a blog? Able to write a review?
IF so.. TOS is looking for you! For details check this post out.
So why should you bother?
1 You'll meet a great group of people. Seriously. Nice folks. Good hearts. Challenge you to be better than you already know you can be.
2. Free product. yeah I know.. awesome eh? Free product that you can use as long as possible, or as little as you like. 4-6 weeks to review it and then tell folks what you think (isn't it nice to tell folk what you think of something). Just so you know.. if you hate, that's okay. You'll learn how to tactfully say that as well. :)
3. Advice. From what to do with a problem situation with a child, a quirk in lesson material you don't know how to work through, to how to be a better blogger. It's all there in a group of mostly women, BUT we have some men too. SO if you are a dad homeschooler.. JOIN US we WANT YOU.
Those are the highlights for me.
There may be others that you discover (and I'd hope you share them with me).
So come on, check out that post and give reviewing for TOS a whirl... you won't regret it. :) really. :)