Mom... do I have to?
Mom.. can we play?
This today was the constant refrain.
And I have to admit....for a while I just plumb gave up. Let's play Skylander bud... it's a new game, let's give a thorough going over...but then doing our "COOPERATIVE PLAY" he started the MOM... DON"T DO THAT stuff so I kinda said enough of this. I don't need this attitude stuff even while playing a game.
SO... we picked up our Astronomy lapbook from AJTL, We looked at what they had for us to do and the lad said...but mom... didn't we have to look at the planets some more? (Ah HA!!! I said to myself...I sorta have his interest.... let's work with that). So we hunted up the small planets that we had, and the dowelling that i bought and ....we made our planetary system. Is it accurate? NO...but will it do? yes... and it did make for conversation about the planets. We used the image here to helps us figure out which planets were which.
Okay what else did we do.
OH.. I started "great empires", that comes from Homeschool in the woods. I went through the list of the histories we could look at and Vikings appealed to the lad since they came to Canada.
We read through the three pages of text and talked about it. The lad needed to focus on things with the globe and trace out patterns of how the Vikings moved around. We learned of Vikings becoming Christians and how they influenced change in the cultures surrounding them. Quite fascinating.
And then the lad was DONE. No more, I couldn't keep him focused on anything. I want to play, I want to.... (do anything other than focus). So off we went to clean the kitchen fridge out. In the process the lad invented a milking cow. :) Made me laugh. He took a balloon, attached it to a water filled bottle. Made a small hole in the bottom and proceeded to milk it. "Mom! you have to practice this. It's good to know how to milk a cow cause what if sometime we have no more milk in the stores?" ... So i too needed to milk a cow (even though I have milked LOTS of cows in my childhood). :)
We got the fridge clean (the lad's responsibility was to get the door clean) and then set out to make a new treat. Roasted Honey Cinnamon Chickpeas. We found the recipe here.
First came skinning the peas.
Roasting then at 400 for 40 minutes.
Then putting some honey on them and roasting for another 7 minutes.
NOTE: the lad did 90% of the work in getting these ready. I helped with skinning the peas and getting things in and out of the oven. The pretty much did the rest. The link above has a video that he watched to learn what to do.
An EXCELLENT first (or fourth) recipe for a child to learn to do on his own.