This was a totally new art form for us and so we approached it with the thought that we would do a practice piece before trying to do a real art piece.
The lad was very unimpressed with how it was going and was getting a bit... worked up about it as he tends to being a perfectionist (not that he gets that from a stranger). :)
Does the colour matter when doing it?
Does the thickness of the paint make a difference?
What happens if you mix a thin and thick paint?
What about areas of the plaster of paris that are dryer, what about the wetter areas? Does that make a difference?
What about the type of paint brush you use?
I then asked him.... how do you think it was for the artists who used to do this type of painting. Back then they couldn't go to the store for paint, they needed to make their own. Do you think they struggled with doing a good job?
I had completed a more abstract work that my son liked a bunch. :) It really became our practice board from thick/thin paint, different brush strokes/styles etc. but I haven't downloaded that picture yet. When I do I'll update this post.