Anyways, I put this suggestion into my drafts folder just in case I ever felt like doing a "why I love homeschooling post" and since I'm needing a reminder I thought I'd talk about why I love it.
1. My son. I adore my boy and I love spending time with him. He's a bright, inquisitive lad with a firm love for critters of almost all sorts. Tonight when we were reading we were learning about a fish that spits water at bugs to make them fall into the water and I asked him "did you see that when we were at Ripley's?"
He was shocked.. they had them at Ripley's? "Where, where were they mom?"
"In the same spot as the mudskippers son" was my quiet response. "You may have been off with J looking at the sharks or something.."
He was so upset to have missed them and wants very much to go back so we can see them again. So I told him I'd go see if I could find the picture I took and he was somewhat mollified.
Like when we went the Elgin County Museum. It was such a nice visit and we had the place virtually to ourselves.
Tell me please my reader... what do YOU love about homeschooling? If you don't homeschool, what do you think you might love about it?