Scaredy cat reading system by Joyce Herzog. The lad is understanding vowels and what not better. It's cool to see his understanding grow.
Mammoth Math. We do one page a day, no more than that. The lad finds it hard, but he's getting it. It's good to make him think. Part of the reason it is hard is that I'm doing grade three with him rather than grade two. But at this stage in the review it's basically review of grade two and it's showing him that he can do this, he just needs to think on it a bit.
We're continuing to work through the Christianity Cove study on the Lord's prayer. yesterday we did a wordsearch, this gave us an opportunity to really think about some of the words used in the Lord's Prayer and what they mean.
We've also started a new review from Birdcage Press. The lad is learning Eygptian terminology while playing games. He even had fun playing it with one of his friends yesterday. It received a thumbs up! :)