I have gotten tired though of the "Mom, can't you make something I like?"
Since I am working with my son on how to turn complaints into questions and ways to be encouraging rather than discouraging, and how to be content with what he has.... I've decided that I will teach my boy how to make a variety of foods.
To that end... Let me walk through how we are changing my son's focus from "Why can't you" to "Mom, can I help you? Can we try______???"
My son likes perogies. He would happily have them two or three times a week.. but I've so learned not to do that! If he gets sick of something he simply won't eat it again. :) (not going there you know what I mean?). Anyways, we found this recipe for perogies and thought we'd give it a whirl.
Ingredients for the outside part.
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 egg, beaten
- 2/3 cup cold water
- For the "meat" of the perogies we made up a package of mashed potatoes and added a whack of shredded cheese to it.
My boy is gaining confidence in the kitchen.
He'll happily make the shells for me now. Then we mix up the potatoe and cheese filling, sometimes (oh my oh my) adding bits of bacon or ham to it. He's getting brave cause you know what "HE" can do it.
I'm thrilled.
He doesn't need reminding as much about food to find ways to be kind or helpful. He comes up with suggestions. We've made pizza using naan bread (making them more than plain cheese ones). A client at the foodbank gave him an idea about how to make mini pizza pockets. Homemade mac and cheese, home made buns and so much more. His repertoire is expanding and that is such a good thing.
The other day I was busy doing dishes and he asked if he could start supper. I found him a recipe and off he went. Reading, doing math, thinking out loud, asking questions. Such a marvelous thing we've started here with the cooking.
Does he still sometimes complain? Yes, habits don't die overnight. But it is getting better and that is a very very good thing. :)
Some children's cooking sites that might be helpful to you.
Schoolhouseteachers.com does a cooking class.
Kids cooking activities has proven helpful.
Have fun looking on line as well.. a lot of sites are for LITTLE children, but some are for older ones as well. :) Don't be discouraged. Your picky eater just might change their tune with just a touch of help in the kitchen. :)