BUT life is nothing but flexible right?
1. Story of the world (reading chapters) We are currently 3/4's of the way through the second book.
2. Chronicles of church history (reading chapters) Have finished the first in this five book series.
3. Canada diaries (reading chapters). We've read several of these and thoroughly enjoy them. Also do the Princess diaries...wondering if there is a Prince diary as well...
4. Veritas Press. On-line history course. We are finishing off our middle ages course and are soon to start our explorers course.
Why so many different books? Because we like to read and it means we can skip one and not feel like we are missing anything. :) Could we read through the books faster if we just read them one at a time? For sure...but what if we get bored then?
I have to admit, I"m really hit and miss with geography and I'm really not sure what I'm going to do with this. It does it covered, but we really don't do anything in depth. I'm considering doing a couple of different things. A child's geography started this for a review and didn't finish it as it's an ebook which means it's really easy for me to forget that it exists. Lisa has done an explore Canada ebook that we might take a month to go throw as well.
GPA worked well for us last year, but the further we got into the course the more I heard "Mom, can I skip this? I know this." So I"m looking into alternatives. I've ordered Jump Math books for the lad. Not sure when they will arrive so until then we'll be working through Stinky Kid Math. Stay tuned for an upcoming review. So far the words I'm hearing are "MOM! I don't get this!!!" This means he's being challenged and that's not a bad thing. :)
Language Arts:
IEW- institute for excellence in writing. Did this as a review this year, we have a fair bit to finish yet, so will finish working through the course. We'll also do some work with Logic of English. A current review we are working through is SuperTeachers. Love this website and will continue to make use of it.
Science is very boy based and nature oriented. That will continue as well as adding in studies of gears, chemistry kits, videos, books and all sorts of things. Nothing specifically planned for this subject area.
Other stuff:
Music: going to work through Gena's new ebook on20th century composers.
Art: working on water colours this year. Hoping to find good books in the library
Archaelogy: found areally neat curriculum for my co-op class. My lad is intrigued... so.. we'll be doing a unit on archaelogy.
Tinkers Time: I'll use schoolhouseteachers.com as well as finding stuff on Pinterest.. Doing some of the things on this board.
Cursive: continuing to work through Cursive Logic.
Bible: Will continue to do much the same as last year.... doing devotions together. Might also do some stick figure bible work.
We'll see how it all goes. We'll be doing a four week on, one week off rotation with time off for vacation, holidays and what not. Hopefully it will all work. :)